Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Birthday

Hubs turns 32 today, so in his honor, I give you his face displayed online for all to see. Pastey Irish guy, indeed. Note: LD chose the clown cones over a cake at Baskin-Robbins. I did not indulge, but happily took pix of my fam doing just that.


Tess said...

Awww. Cute fam.

That icing though. You know THAT'S never coming out of the clothes.

mom of the year said...

Thanks, girl! Yech - the icing. I TOTALLY know, right? But then, why the hell do I care? MIL will buy her a new shirt if I send her over there wearing a stained one. YES!

Anonymous said...

OMG I am dying from the cuteness! Your family is adorable.