Friday, April 18, 2008

"I feel the earth move...

...under my feet." Not like THAT, jackasses. Please. The only earth-shaking going on in this house is that which is caused by tectonic plates in an underground street fight. Seriously.

Yes, internets, we felt the earthquake here in The Lou in the wee hours of the morning. I think it was around 4:30 AM. I was sort of in a sleepy haze, but I remember my heart was racing and I woke up. I thought I was having a panic attack with all of the shaking. I laid in bed for a second and then I heard a picture frame and a metal vase start hopping around on my dresser. It was the same kind of my-bass-canon-is-rattling-my-trunk unsettling noise that I recall from high school (and now wish that I could recreate in my yuppie ride). By the time it really sunk in that we were experiencing an earthquake, it was over. I checked the house and everything appeared to be okay, except for the pictures on the walls.

Talking to my dad this morning, I learned that the whole showdown was more powerful than I thought. He said he could hear the roof cracking and popping and creaking. THAT IS SOME CRAZY SHIT. I mean, come on - the damned ROOF!

Well, that's about it. I'm trying to get back in the groove for you all...

Edited: It's 10:16 AM and we just had an aftershock...

1 comment:

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

Yep, it woke me up too. 4:30 am.. and I'm like, "Is that a freakin' earthquake?" I know it scared my husband because he shot out of bed. This is a man who sleeps through the loudest there's a burglar breaking through our bedroom door with a chainsaw noise. This is a man who hears tornado sirens and goes outside to look for them. Pretty weird.